Photographer Andrii Bielikov Feedback. Calgary wedding photographer. Andrii Bielikov
Photographer Andrii Bielikov Feedback. Calgary wedding photographer. Andrii Bielikov


We chose Andrei as our wedding photographer and once we received our love story pictures we were impressed by Andrei's work. The whole experience with Andrei was fun and interesting throughout photoshoot as we enjoyed the place and horses. I can tell he is a hard worker and very professional in his field. We are absolutely happy with his work and are looking forward to having him cover our wedding.

Photographer Andrii Bielikov Feedback. Calgary wedding photographer. Andrii Bielikov

Anna Diudiuk

Thank you for such beautiful photos

Photographer Andrii Bielikov Feedback. Calgary wedding photographer. Andrii Bielikov

Serghei C

Great, talented photographer! We gladly will recommend to everyone!!! Amazing results!

Photographer Andrii Bielikov Feedback. Calgary wedding photographer. Andrii Bielikov

Mariah Shobo

Absolutely stunning pictures!

Photographer Andrii Bielikov Feedback. Calgary wedding photographer. Andrii Bielikov

Susan Holm

These photos are very beautiful. You are very professional and captured exactly what was expected. We highly recommend you. Thank you,

Photographer Andrii Bielikov Feedback. Calgary wedding photographer. Andrii Bielikov


Thank you so much for your patience and attention to detail

Photographer Andrii Bielikov Feedback. Calgary wedding photographer. Andrii Bielikov



The best picture I have ever had really turly a great work

Photographer Andrii Bielikov Feedback. Calgary wedding photographer. Andrii Bielikov

Vasudha Gautam

Amazing Photos; thank you so much

Photographer Andrii Bielikov Feedback. Calgary wedding photographer. Andrii Bielikov


Very nice looking pictures and professional work

Photographer Andrii Bielikov Feedback. Calgary wedding photographer. Andrii Bielikov


Absolutely in love with Andrew’s artistic work and his readiness to meet extraordinary expectations of a client

Photographer Andrii Bielikov Feedback. Calgary wedding photographer. Andrii Bielikov

David Nette

Great pictures of Shane and Susan Hardie's wedding!

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Photographer Andrii Bielikov Feedback. Calgary wedding photographer. Andrii Bielikov


I am 💯 satisfied. Andri did a great job capturing our photos above and beyond in our expectations “ The quality is stunning and the angles, lighting etc capture the day perfectly “. He is very professional to deal with, in timely manner he address your questions. I highly recommend him. Thank you so much Andri for helping us to create this life time memories. We have received SO MANY compliments for our photos from family & friends.
Photographer Andrii Bielikov Feedback. Calgary wedding photographer. Andrii Bielikov

Karen Wallace-Fraser

Andrey went above and beyond to capture the day for our grads. I highly recommend him for your special events!

Photographer Andrii Bielikov Feedback. Calgary wedding photographer. Andrii Bielikov

Karen Wallace-Fraser

Fantastic photos! Will definitely let friend and family know!!

Photographer Andrii Bielikov Feedback. Calgary wedding photographer. Andrii Bielikov

Steve Thomas

The entire experience with Andrey was amazing! He was professional and accommodating, the kids loved the day and the photos are superb!
I would recommend Andrey to anyone who wants an excellent photographer experience with amazing quality.



Went to a friend’s wedding. Saw the pictures, so nice! Thanks for doing such an awesome job for the newlyweds! ☺️

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Andrii did a wonderful job. The pictures turned out amazing for James and Anne’s wedding! Highly recommend :)

Photographer Andrii Bielikov Feedback. Calgary wedding photographer. Andrii Bielikov

Anne Pacios Catipay

I am so happy my husband and I chose Andrii to be our engagement/wedding photographer. We are so thrilled with how the photos turned out! Our guests too have nothing but positive things to say about the quality photos and Andrii's professionalism.

We definitely enjoyed every bit of time working with Andrii. His humor and coaching made the whole photoshoot process easy and fun. Many thank to you, Andrii, and I hope more people discover your talent here in Alberta!

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Photographer Andrii Bielikov Feedback. Calgary wedding photographer. Andrii Bielikov

James Catipay

Andrii Bielikov was an exceptional photographer at our engagement shoot and wedding here in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. He did not disappoint. Andrii is a very hard working professional whose passion for photography is evident on the way he comes prepared and gets his clients prepared, his artistic ability to find perfect angles, and use lighting to complement the picture. He has a knack of making us and our guests feel comfortable during the shoot and I am just in awe of how great and approachable a person he is (and his wife too who is also a photographer as well).

Thank you Andrii for capturing our engagement shoot and our wedding (getting ready/ceremony/reception)! All our photos were amazing and we could not be any happier. You are truly a rare gem and I will forever vouch for you and your services to the people I know and will meet in the future. Cheers!

Photographer Andrii Bielikov Feedback. Calgary wedding photographer. Andrii Bielikov

Ariel Pacios

Awesome pictures, good Job! They are amazingly will trained on their craft, results you won't be disappointed.

Photographer Andrii Bielikov Feedback. Calgary wedding photographer. Andrii Bielikov

Dawid Zym

W 100% zgadzam się z opinią żony. Od siebie dodam, że Pan Andrey podjął się zrobienia sesji narzeczeńskiej z końmi — a jak wiadomo praca z żywymi zwierzętami jest trudna. Mimo to, zdjęcia wyszły magiczne i przerosły nasze oczekiwania. Pomimo oryginalnej tematyki sesji i wesela Pan Andrey odnalazł się w niej bez problemu i stworzył dla nas cudowną pamiątkę. Dziękujemy!

Google translate

I agree 100% with my wife’s opinion. I would like to add that Mr. Andrey undertook to do an engagement session with horses — and as you know, working with live animals is difficult. Nevertheless, the photos turned out magical and exceeded our expectations. Despite the original theme of the session and the wedding, Mr. Andrey found himself in it without any problems and created a wonderful souvenir for us. Thank you!

Photographer Andrii Bielikov Feedback. Calgary wedding photographer. Andrii Bielikov

Dagmara Zym

Pan Andrey Bielikov robił dla nas zdjęcia ślubne — w tym reportaż, sesję narzeczeńską i ślubną. Jedyne co możemy powiedzieć to — profesjonalista, który kocha to co robi! Nigdy nie spotkaliśmy się z taką serdecznością, zaangażowaniem i pomysłem. Pan Andrey słuchał wszystkich naszych próśb i z cierpliwością je realizował. Zdjęcia wyszły jak z bajki — rodzina również jest zachwycona podejściem fotografa i wszelkimi ujęciami, które przypominają wręcz ujęcia z filmów. Z czystym sumieniem serdecznie polecamy!

Google translate

 Andrey took wedding photos for us — including reportage, engagement and wedding session. The only thing we can say is — a professional who loves what he does! We have never met such cordiality, commitment and idea. Mr. Andrey listened to all our requests and fulfilled them with patience. The photos came out like a fairy tale — the family is also delighted with the photographer’s approach and all the shots that even resemble shots from movies. We wholeheartedly recommend it!

Photographer Andrii Bielikov Feedback. Calgary wedding photographer. Andrii Bielikov

Vladyslav Boiko

Bardzo dobre zdjęcia. Dziękuję Andrej !